Chatbot for Computer Training Firms

It is very important and especially for a coding based educational firm that their website reflects well on their competence. Since, in most cases, a website is usually the first point of significant between the firm and the user or customer as we say, the need for a good interactive website becomes quiet a statement of their prowess for a coding fir. Now, one could either spend a lot of time figuring out the right kind of flow and everytime there is a significant edit, the code be changed or one can simply implement a chatbot for such a coding coaching firm and make sure that the maximum engagement is done at the home page itself. With our curated chatbot, we have made sure that not just it has enough data on it so that the plug and play gets enabled, but we have also given out options whereby the firms can easily update the content in the background so that whatever information is, gets passed on to the intended or the target audience easily

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